The Year 2023 in Books

Continuing with our year in review, Matt Lynn Digital invites you to look back at the last year in reviews of books, movies, music and television. We look at these with individual categories, one per day through Sunday. Today we share the twenty-six (26) book reviews offered by Matt Lynn Digital in 2023.

(The cover for the book The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin).

Our highest rated read for 2023 was The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. Earning 4.75-stars on a scale of 1-to-5, the book, Rubin “set out to write a book about what to do to make a great work of art. Instead, it revealed itself to be a book on how to be. The subject matter was offering suggestions for how best to engage the construction of creatively made content effectively.

(The cover for the book Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon).

Five books earned 4.5-stars from Matt Lynn Digital in 2023, with Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon earning the top billing. The proper means for reading Heavy: An American Memoir is with an open mind and an open heart while aiming for empathy and understanding. Other books earning 4.5-stars include 60 Seconds & You’re Hired! by Robin Ryan, Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America by Wil Haygood, Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter by Michael D. Watkins.

(The cover for the book Sea of Tranquility: A Novel by Emily St. John Mandel).

Led by the Emily St. John Mandel book Sea of Tranquility: A Novel, three books read in 2023 earned 4.25-star ratings. The notion of experiencing a life moving through time and space on an emotional journey of self-discovery drew us to the St. John Mandel work. Other books also earning 4.25-stars were the extraordinary Dan Chaon book Sleepwalk and the Ernest Hemingway book To Have and Have Not.

(The cover for the book The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers).

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter as written by Carson McCullers tops a stable of six books to earn 4.0-stars. The central point of the book using a mute as the protagonist while sharing the semi-autobiographical character Mick Kelly as an exposition for the writer were appealing concepts for the work. Others to earn a similar 4.0-star rating included Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane, To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser, It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis and The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle.

(The cover for the book The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars by Dava Sobel).

The Dava Sobel book The Glass Universe How the Ladies of Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars leads a stable of eleven (11) books to earn 3.75-stars for books that we read in 2023. Learning the histories of women including Annie Jump Cannon and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin made this reading worth the effort in recognizing women contributing to science and the social fabric of a society simultaneously. The remaining ten books we read this year included Stone Cold by David Baldacci, Red War by Kyle Mills in the Vince Flynn series, The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien with Guy Gruviel Kay and Christopher Tolkien, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Brown, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving, Lethal Agent by Kyle Mills through Vince Flynn,  Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work by Marilee Adams and Divine Justice by David Baldacci.

Matt Lynn Digital appreciates your continued interest in the content we offer. Should you have albums that you’d like us to review, or similar work to that mentioned above, please be sure to let us know.

Matt – Saturday, December 30, 2023

Dan Chaon and the book ‘Sleepwalk’

As mentioned when I reviewed Ill Will back in September of 2021, Dan Chaon, the author of Sleepwalk was a writing instructor for me in the mid-1990s. Returning to find yet another engaging, first person experience with a dystopian take on life feels incredibly real for me, and perhaps the many who’ve lived through the pandemic years of the recent past. What a timely, dystopian journey.

(A recent image of writer Dan Chaon, who wrote the 2022 novel Sleepwalk).

The narrator and protagonist is a man of many names, or pseudonyms, traveling about North America of the near future on the run from who knows what and who knows who. Will Bear, a fifty-year-old man with a painful history that is revealed bit by bit with questions about how reliable a narrator he is, struggles to make sense of his world while visiting many locations across the United States, Canada and Mexico. Bear’s trusty pit bull companion, Flip, accompanies Bear through many a contemporary sojourn interlaced with awareness raised by unfolding events.

(An image writer Dan Chaon from Twitter. Chaon (pronounced Shawn) wrote the 2022 novel Sleepwalk).

The reality of an itinerant, on-the-move lifestyle of sleepwalking through life gets disrupted by a mystery that began when Bear is contacted by a young woman claiming to be his biological daughter through means that are not expected. The initial suspicion around this possibly being a deception gives way to questions that reinforce questions of an unreliable narrator, and thus the reality of the world being experienced. The choice to introduce this mystery with information primarily from the narrator’s perspective, with added information for what is reliable other information filtered through Bear, makes the on-going mystery worth the ride.

(The 2022 book Sleepwalk by Dan Chaon is a solid, psychologically dark first person read. Now is a great time to read Sleepwalk if you haven’t yet done so).

The feeling of inevitability that accompanies the engaging worldview of narrator made me want to continue with the ride that Will Bear and his so-called daughter, Cammie, so worth it. The sense of persevering through the face of what was happening, or the question of the story being a delusion of life experienced through the narrator’s head, offers me the desire to invite you to read this book. Those who have read Donna Tartt also will enjoy Sleepwalk. I grant Sleepwalk by Dan Chaon 4.25-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Saturday, April 29, 2023