Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Forster in the Quentin Tarantino movie ‘Jackie Brown’

The American crime movie Jackie Brown (1997) was filmed influenced in subject matter and filming style of blaxploitation movies like Coffy (1973) and Foxy Brown (1974). The film is the third directed by Quentin Tarantino, originally from Knoxville, Tennessee. The movie was adapted from the Elmore Leonard book Rum Punch.

(Pam Grier as the character Jackie Brown in the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown).

Pam Grier starred as title character Jackie Brown for the movie of the same name. Brown is a stewardess that moves drugs from Mexico into the United States for gun runner Ordell Robbie of Los Angeles, California. Samuel L. Jackson portrayed Robbie, who bails out courier Beaumont Livingston with bail bondsmen Max Cherry early in the movie. When Livingston shows up dead shortly thereafter, a distinct set of events involving the three is set in motion. Robert Forster portrayed Cherry. Chris Tucker portrayed Livingston.

(Robert Forster as Max Cherry in the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown).

ATF agent Ray Nicolette and Los Angeles Police Department detective Mark Dargus, as portrayed respectively by Michael Keaton and Michael Bowen, tie into the Brown and Robbie tale. When Nicolette and Dargus catch Jackie Brown carrying illegal drugs, they setup a sting with Brown to take down the larger illegal enterprise. Robbie seeks Cherry’s help with getting Brown out of jail.

(From left, Michael Bowen as LAPD Detective Mark Dargus and Michael Keaton as ATF Agent Ray Nicolette in the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown).

Against the above backdrop, the racket of arms and drug dealing undertaken by Ordell Robbie is pitted against the backdrop of hedonistic partners Melanie Ralston and Louis Gara, as portrayed by Bridget Fonda and Robert De Niro, respectively. Ralston enjoys surfing, the lifestyle afforded by her connection to moving material for Robbie. The conniving is play between Gara and Ralston, the first recently out of prison, is rivaled by additional intrigue brewing still between Jackie Brown and multiple other players in this drama.

(From left, Bridget Fonda as Melanie Ralston, Robert De Niro as Louis Gara and Samuel L. Jackson as Ordell Robbie in the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown).

Quentin Tarantino adapted the Elmore Leonard story for the screen, thus the notions of misdirection that have been hallmarks of scripts written for movies by Tarantino elsewhere. That there is still another con that ends up pitting Max Cherry against Dargus and Nicolette as well as members of the illegal plays in play make for an entertaining foray into the fare that has, in my opinion, made Tarantino movies so popular with the general public as well as many critics.

(Actress Pam Grier and director Quentin Tarantino as seen during the filming of the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown).

There is much to be taken from watching this movie that I have left to your imagination. My suggestion is that you watch Jackie Brown for yourself, as I grant the movie as directed by Quention Tarantino 4.25-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Wednesday, June 29, 2022