Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley in the Martin Scorsese movie ‘Shutter Island’

The 2003 Dennis Lehane book Shutter Island became the Martin Scorsese movie Shutter Island (2010). Filmed with a remarkable sense of place, time and psychological insight, the movie features the Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane on Shutter Island, Boston Harbor in the year 1954. The harbor is part of Massachusetts Bay, set in particular adjacent to the city of Boston, Massachusetts.

(From left, Mark Ruffalo as Chuck Aule and Leonardo DiCaprio as Edward ‘Teddy’ Daniels in the Martin Scorsese movie Shutter Island).

We meet Edward ‘Teddy’ Daniels and his new partner Chuck Aule, of the U.S. Marshals Service, arriving at the island to begin the movie. Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo portray Daniels and Aule, respectively. The disappearance of Rachel Solando, who we are told drowned her three children, adds additional psychological impact to the Solando disappearance.

(Ben Kingsley as Dr. John Cawley in the Martin Scorsese movie Shutter Island).

Pretty quickly, Dr. John Crawley and his staff are shown to not be cooperating with the investigation. Crawley, as portrayed by Ben Kingsley, seems to have ulterior motivations driving an agenda to experiment on the patients in the hospital for the criminally insane. That the doctor in charge of Rachel Solando’s care went on vacation upon Solando’s disappearance additionally looks suspicious. It is at this moment that Teddy Daniels begins to experience flashbacks as a United States Army soldier with experiences liberating European concentration camps in World War Two.

(From left, Elias Koteas as Andrew Laeddis and Jackie Earle Haley as George Noyce in the Martin Scorsese movie Shutter Island).

Things take more severe turns for Teddy Daniels as other symptoms surface, including thoughts of his wife, Dolores. We learn that Daniels’ wife, as portrayed by Michelle Williams, has been burned to death by Andrew Leaddis. Elias Koteas portrayed Leaddis; things really turn dark when Daniels reveals to Chuck Aule that he took the investigation hoping to meet Leaddis on this island. In a restricted section, Teddy Daniels has a frightening encounter with George Noyce, as portrayed by Jackie Earle Haley.

(From left, Michelle Williams as Dolores, Patricia Clarkson as Rachel Solando and Emily Mortimer as The Nurse Portraying Rachel Solando in the Martin Scorsese movie Shutter Island).

The story takes meaningful and thematically mature turns from here around the story of Rachel Solando, with Emily Mortimer and Patricia Clarkson contributing important elements to piecing together the truths underpinning the larger story of the movie. Many deep and significant truths are explored through this film, offering the story told an unexpected depth that really resonates for some. Cobra, a friend of the blog, is really taken with this movie.

(Director Martin Scorsese is shown during the production of the Martin Scorsese movie Shutter Island).

The movie Shutter Island works as an ensemble of multiple movie influences. While not rising to what I consider the best of the movies ever made by Martin Scorsese, venturing into new terrains for him cinematically is a refreshing touch. That the film targeted an adult audience also feels pretty clear to me. I give Shutter Island as directed by Martin Scorsese at 3.75-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Wednesday, June 15, 2022