Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan and Adil Hussain in the Ang Lee movie ‘Life of Pi’

A truly stunning and visual epic story awaits you with the movie Life of Pi (2012), a movie directed by Ang Lee that celebrates the tenth anniversary of release later this fall. The movie is based upon Canadian writer Yann Martel‘s book Life of Pi, which was released in September of 2001.

(From left, Rafe Spall as The Writer and Irrfan Khan as Piscine Molitor ‘Pi’ Patel, adult in the Ang Lee movie Life of Pi).

The story of Life of Pi follows first the spiritual and metaphysical life of Piscine Molitor ‘Pi’ Patel, who is portrayed at various life stages by Gautam Belur at age 5, Ayush Tandon from age 11 to 12, Suraj Sharma from age 16 to 17, and finally Irrfan Khan as an adult. A young writer portrayed by Rafe Spall meets Pi as a middle-aged adult, requesting the telling of Patel’s life story as fodder for writing a life of the man’s epic adventure. It is there that we are first introduced to Piscine Molitor Patel as a young child from Pondicherry, India. The city has also been called Puducherry, Putucceri and Pondichéry.

(From left, Tabu as Gita Patel, Pi’s mother, and Adil Hussain as Santosh Patel, Pi’s father, in the Ang Lee movie Life of Pi).

We meet Pi’s family, along with the naming of Pi after a famous French swimming pool named Piscine Molitor in Paris. We see the boy grow alongside his older brother and parents, adopting the Greek letter Pi as his name to avoid bullying. Tabu portrayed Gita Patel, Pi’s mother who aids Pi’s spiritual growth through Hinduism, Christianity and then Islam as he grows. Pi’s father tries to secularize Pi in rational tradition, introducing the boy to the family’s zoo. Santosh Patel, as portrayed by Adil Hussain, forces Pi to see the Bengal tiger named Richard Parker kill a goat as a lesson to Patel’s son in the true nature of the animal. Pi’s brother, Ravi Patel, was portrayed by Ayaan Khan at age 7, Mohd. Abbas Khaleeli at age 13 to 14, and Vibish Sivakumar at age 18 to 19.

(Shravanthi Sainath as Anandi, Pi’s adolescent girlfriend in the Ang Lee movie Life of Pi).

The course of Pi’s story looks first to the adolescent affection he feels for a girl named Anandi, as portrayed by Shravanthi Sainath. The hopefulness of this blossoms, until Patel family father Santosh announces the familial need to see the family’s animals and move to Canada. The family sets sail, with the animals, on a Japanese freighter destined for the family’s new homeland. A storm at sea separates Pi from his family, who survives when thrown by a sailor onto a lifeboat as the Patel family, the freighter, and many crew and animals drown in the Mariana Trench.

(Suraj Sharma as Piscine Molitor ‘Pi’ Patel, ages 16-17, in the Ang Lee movie Life of Pi).

Pi survives in his lifeboat, first with a zebra, an orangutan, a spotted hyena and the Bengal tiger, Robert Parker. Adrift with some significant and fantastic challenges that follow, the movie affords life lessons that run the metaphysical and spiritual through a tale of survival that ultimately takes Piscine Molitor ‘Pi’ Patel to Mexico. The telling asks compelling questions through a fantastic and visually stunning epic tale that matches the underlying story to those visuals in ways that justify the presence of the visuals.

(From left, director Ang Lee and actor Suraj Sharma).

The invitation for self-reflection that is presented to the audience, cleverly and with immense satisfaction for this reviewer, brings an uplifting conclusion to a journey appreciated. The sadness that begins the journey, when moving to the lifeboat, is the hardest turn. I grant Life of Pi as directed by Ang Lee 4.25-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Year 2020 in Movies

With the oddness that has been the year 2020, new movie releases have been few and far between. Matt Lynn Digital continued to look into the past for movies to enjoy and review with you. The year saw us review thirty-six (36) films through the year, which we will share with you by decade, shared from highest rated to lowest.

(Argo starring Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin and  John Goodman was a 2012 gem that leads the 2010s with 4.5-stars from Matt Lynn Digital).

Argo (2012) leads the way for movies from the 2010s. The film earned 4.5-stars on a scale of 1-to-5 stars, which is the highest rating matched only twice for movies this year. Earning 4.0-stars for the decade were Game Night (2018) starring Jason Batemen and Rachel McAdams, Captain Phillips (2013) starring Tom Hanks and Barkhad Abdi and The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) starring Matthew McConaughey and, for a second time this decade, Bryan Cranston.

(Matt Damon makes two appearances for the 2010s, the first with the 2019 film Ford v Ferrari).

 Ford v Ferrari (2019) offers the first of two starring roles in the Matt Lynn Digital movie reviews for Matt Damon and Christian Bale. The story of the 1966 24 Hours of Le Mans earn a rating of 3.75-stars along with The Martian (2015), which starred Matt DamonKristen Wiig and Jeff Daniels and Gravity (2013) starring Sandra BullockGeorge Clooney, and Ed Harris.

(Tom Hanks returns to our list with the 4.25-stars granted Cast Away by Matt Lynn Digital).

The Robert Zemeckis film Cast Away (2000) starts in the holiday season where the character portrayed by Tom Hanks faces tremendous odds while delivering an outstanding movie granted 4.25-stars. The movie Ray (2004), starring Jamie Foxx in the role as Ray Charles and the Ang Lee movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) starring Michelle Yeoh and Yun-Fat Chow each earned 4-stars in their 2020 reviews.

(The Martin Scorsese film Gangs of New York featured among the best portrayals of a movie villain ever delivered by Daniel Day-Lewis. The film earned 3.75-stars from Matt Lynn Digital).

Gangs of New York (2002) leads a stable of five movies to earn 3.75-stars from the decade that began the 21st century. While prominent, the performances by Leonardo DiCaprioCameron Diaz, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Neeson and John C. Reilly held sway in part for where the ranking placed. Other films from this decade gaining 3.75-stars included The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck, The Blind Side (2009) starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw, Friday Night Lights (2004) starring Lucas Black, Billy Bob Thornton and Tim McGraw, and Elf (2003) starring Will Ferrell, James Caan and Zooey Deschanel.  The Skulls (2000) starring Joshua Jackson,  Paul Walker and  Craig T. Nelson earned 3.5-stars.

(Fight Club starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter and the Martin Scorsese movie Goodfellas starring Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Lorraine Bracco lead the 1990s with 4.5-stars granted by Matt Lynn Digital).

The film Fight Club (1999) and the film Goodfellas (1990) bookend the 1990s with a pair of movies earning the 2020 top rating of 4.5-stars offered by Matt Lynn Digital. The football movie Rudy (1993) starring Sean Astin and Ned Beatty is joined by baseball movie The Sandlot (1993) with Denis Leary and the military, political intrigue movie The Hunt for Red October (1990) starring Sean Connery, James Earl Jones, Alec Baldwin and Sam Neill with ratings of 4.0-stars.

(For Love of the Game starring Kevin Costner, John C. Reilly and Kelly Preston lead 1990s films getting 3.75-stars by Matt Lynn Digital).

Baseball and borderline romantic comedy film For Love of the Game (1999) earned 3.75-stars from Matt Lynn Digital in 2020. The film Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995) with  Richard Dreyfuss and the Ron Howard film Far and Away (1992) with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman join For Love of the Game with 3.75-stars. Earning 3.25 stars is the film The Usual Suspects (1995), which starred Kevin Spacey, Stephen Baldwin, Benicio Del Toro and Kevin Pollak.

(The Brian De Palma and Oliver Stone film Scarface with  Al Pacino,  Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert Loggia and Steven Bauer kicks off the 1980s with a 4-star rating by Matt Lynn Digital).

The 4-stars earned by the organized crime movie Scarface (1983) is joined by the Steven Spielberg film Empire of the Sun (1987) starring Christian Bale, John Malkovich and Joe Pantoliano and Tim Burton‘s film Beetlejuice (1988) starring Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder and Michael Keaton. The Richard Donner film Scroooged (1988) starring Bill Murray, John Forsythe, David Johansen and Carol Kane completes the decade with 3.75-stars.

(Ridley Scott‘s film Alien starring Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt and Ian Holm earns the best rating of the 1970s for Matt Lynn Digital at 4.25-stars).

Alien (1979) closed out the 1970s with quite the impact, garnering 4.25-stars for a science fiction story that stands on its own. The Martin Scorsese concert goodbye The Last Waltz (1978) with The Band leads three other productions getting 3.75-stars. Joining The Last Waltz with 3.75-stars include the baseball movie The Bad News Bears (1976) with Walter Mathau and Tatum O’Neal, the western movie The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) starring Clint Eastwood and John Vernon and the comedic war movie Kelly’s Heroes (1970) starring Clint EastwoodTelly Savalas, Don Rickles, Carroll O’ Connor and Gavin MacLeod.

(The Man Who Shot Liberty Vance and The Lady Vanishes achieved two different things in two different decades to complete the movie reviews by Matt Lynn Digital in 2020).

The John Ford movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Vance (1962) starred John Wayne, James Stewart, Lee Marvin and Vera Miles in a western that earned 3.75-stars. The Lady Vanishes (1938) put Alfred Hitchcock on the proverbial map with a political commentary in the guise of a thriller starring Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave, Paul Lukas and May Whitty. The Lady Vanishes earned 4.0-stars from Matt Lynn Digital.

(Blog friend Cobra reviewed the movies Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight in a single sharing on Matt Lynn Digital).

Matt Lynn Digital also enjoyed sharing a review of Richard Linklater‘s Before Trilogy of movies. Blog friend Cobra reviewed Before Sunrise (1995), Before Sunset (2004) and Before Midnight (2013) in a single review. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy explore the notion of relationships a bit more fully and cleverly than often happens with any movie franchise. It is with thanks that we look back to this sharing.

Share the Matt Lynn Digital blog with your friends if you see value in what we are doing. We feel these reviews provide excellent content that we would like to continue offering.

Matt – Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Yun-Fat Chow, Michelle Yeoh and Ziyi Zhang in the Ang Lee film ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’

The new millennium had just come to America when today’s winner of four Academy Awards showed in theatres in the United States. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) was a multi-national film with spoken dialogue in Mandarin and subtitles for various markets.

(From left, Yun-Fat Chow as Master Li Mu Bai and Michelle Yeoh as Yu Shu Lien in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).

The Ang Lee directed film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon begins by showing the audience that Yu Shu Lien and Li Mu Bai are loyalty bound to a now deceased love interest and friend to not act on feelings each have for the other. Michelle Yeoh portrays Yu Shu Lien, leader of a private security firm. Yun-Fat Chow portrays Li Mu Bai, a master swordsman interested in retiring from the obligations of the swordsman life. Part of this includes asks Shu Lien to give his fabled sword “Green Destiny” to their benefactor Sir Te in Peking, aka Beijing, China. Sihung Lung portrays Sir Te.

(From left, Ziyi Zhang as Jen Yu aka Jiao Long and Chen Chang as Lo ‘Dark Cloud’ aka Luo Xiao Hu in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).

It was early in the film when we learn that Li Mu Bai’s teacher had been killed by Jade Fox, a woman who had sought to learn the style of skills practiced by Li Mu Bai. There is much initial mystery to who Jade Fox, as portrayed by Pei-Pei Cheng, actually is. Before the audience makes relevant acquaintance with Jade Fox within Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Yu Shu Lien encounters Jen Yu (Jiao Long), the daughter of rich and powerful Governor Yu. Jen Yu, as portrayed by Ziyi Zhang, travels secretly with Jade Fox as Yu’s governess.

(Pei-Pei Cheng as Jade Fox in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).

It is shortly after the revelation to some of Jade Fox as governess that an ongoing mystery surrounding the theft of the “Green Destiny” sword from Sir Te’s estate occurs. A romantic adventure for Jen Yu with Lo ‘Drak Cloud’ aka Luo Hiao Hu is revealed, with the fate of Yu’s marriage as expected by Yu’s parents in the balance. Chen Chang portrays Lo ‘Drak Cloud’ aka Luo Hiao Hu. The strings of these tensions are tugged through the remainder of the film.

(Ang Lee directed the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).

The martial arts fighting scenes as directed by Ang Lee are well planned, at times filled with humor, and include admittedly stunning visual acuity filled with “flying” effects that do tend to feel like too much upon occasion. A scene among the tree tops and through a wooded area are a marvel to behold, still, some twenty years later as I write this review. I enjoyed this martial arts, romantic adventure movie. I grant Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 4.00-stars on a scale of 1-to-5 stars.

Matt – Saturday, December 12, 2020

Will Smith and Clive Owen in the Ang Lee film ‘Gemini Man’

The movie Gemini Man (2019) deserves better than the box office gate this film feels like it is going to receive. The reception from critics are doing nobody any favors when it comes to a movie that deserves better than the press is giving this film. Go see the movie Gemini Man.

Gemini Man 2 - Benedict Wong as Baron, left, and Will Smith as Henry Brogan(Benedict Wong as Baron, left, and Will Smith as Henry Brogan in the film Gemini Man).

The movie Gemini Man itself begins with a strong introduction to the action film that it is. Will Smith stars as Henry Brogan, an assassin at the top of his field seeking to retire. The initial mystery following Henry’s decision to retire is the larger question of why walking away into the sunset would not be a satisfactory outcome to whomever seems to have placed hit on his head.

Gemini Man 3 - Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Danny Zakarweski(Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Danny Zakarweski in the film Gemini Man).

Danny Zakarewski, as played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, is tasked with surveiling Henry as Henry visits a friend by boat. Circumstances quickly change, bringing the lives of Danny, Henry and others into question. An alliance between Danny and Henry are formed, with a trip oversees that introduces us to Baron, as portrayed by Benedict Wong.

Gemini Man 4 - Clive Owen as Clay Verris, left, and Will Smith as Junior(Clive Owen as Clay Verris, left, and Will Smith as Junior in the film Gemini Man).

The film itself is cinematically stunning, which in parts introduces the audience to the characters of Junior as played by Will Smith and Clay Verris as played by Clive Owens. The larger drama partly deals in the backstories of Verris, Brogan, Baron and Junior while layering more intrigue than it is fair to divulge for those who haven’t seen the film.

Gemini Man 5 - Gemini Man director Ang Lee(Gemini Man director Ang Lee).

Ang Lee directed this film, which has meant a more ponderous and intelligent take on the psychological complexities of the characters. Perhaps the Ang Lee film Ride with the Devil (1999) performs better in the complexity regard, though both have had the visually stunning yet lacking emotional depth critique leveled at them. My sense is that this film, for as hard as some find following the action in some of the fight scenes, is that it performs better than some are granting. I enjoyed the film, acknowledging that I would have liked something a bit more from the story of Junior to help bring some emotional heft to the movie experience. My grade for Gemini Man is 3.5-stars on a scale of one-to-five.

Matt – Saturday, October 26, 2019