Matthew Broderick and the John Hughes film ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’

It was a glorious spring day in the year 1986 when Ferris Bueller hatched his plan to enjoy a ninth day of the semester off in the film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986). Today we review the movie that takes place in Chicago, Illinois.

Ferris Bueller 2 - LToR - Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye, Mia Sara as Sloane Peterson and Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller(From left to right, Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye, Mia Sara as Sloane Peterson and Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

The film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in fact aims to land with a message of affirmation that Ferris Bueller, as portrayed by Matthew Broderick, mentions at least twice during the film. Ferris affirms that “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye and Mia Sara as Sloane Peterson are two close friends in on the act to enjoy the day with Ferris.

Ferris Bueller 3 - Jeffrey Jones as Ed Rooney(Jeffrey Jones as Ed Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Jeffrey Jones plays school principle Ed Rooney who takes it has his personal mission to capture Ferris Bueller faking an illness to have the day off. Jones‘ role as unlikable heal prone to mistakes in battling wits with Ferris are captured really well through the film.

Ferris Bueller 4 - Jennifer Grey as Jeanie Bueller(Jennifer Grey as Jeanie Bueller in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Jennifer Grey plays Jeanie Bueller, a sister to Ferris with a major case of jealousy towards her brother. Perhaps better known for her role in Dirty Dancing (1987), Grey aims to prove her brother is not the innocent kid that her brother believes, though an interesting turn comes later when Jeanie confronts first her parents and then Principal Ed Rooney in the film.

Ferris Bueller 5 - Cindy Pickett as Katie Bueller, left, and Lyman Ward as Tom Bueller(Cindy Pickett as Katie Bueller, left, and Lyman Ward as Tom Bueller in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Cindy Pickett and Lyman Ward portray Ferris’ parents, who in fact are comically unaware of the behavior of their son. One of the presents that director and screenwriter John Hughes offers the audience of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is the stereotypical comedic clarity of the buffoonish unawareness of Katie and Tom Bueller.

Ferris Bueller 6 - LToR - Edie McClurg as Grace, Charlie Sheen as Boy in Police Station and Ben Stein as Economics Teacher(Left to right, Edie McClurg as Grace, Charlie Sheen as Boy in Police Station and Ben Stein as Economics Teacher in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Edie McClurg as Grace at Ferris’ school, Charlie Sheen in the police station, and Ben Stein at Ferris’ school all play minor roles in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Their roles at times take on proportions belying their actual roles in this film, though especially the delivery of Stein in this film take on epic proportions.

Ferris Bueller 7 - Writer and Director John Hughes, left, with Matthew Broderick(Writer and director John Hughes, left, with Matthew Broderick in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Largely, I found much to enjoy in the comedy that was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Writer and director John Hughes had a successful run of teenager movies in the 1980s, of which this is perhaps the one that resonates with me the most. Many will disagree in pointing to The Breakfast Club (1985), Sixteen Candles (1984) or Weird Science (1985). Hughes is known for a number of other films as well, though this ranks up there for movies primarily about the experience of teenagers. My rating of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is 3.75-stars on a scale of one-to-five.

Matt – Wednesday, August 21, 2019