Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwold in the John Hughes movie ‘The Breakfast Club’

The franchise of success following John Hughes staked out a happy, in some ways formative following for many folks of a certain age. The coming-of-age story as cinematic bildungsroman was one of the stronger landing points, with our looking back upon The Breakfast Club (1985) proving itself as one of perhaps the leading example offered in terms of writing, direction and production for Hughes.

(From left, Judd Nelson as John Bender, Emilio Estevez as Andrew Clark, Ally Sheedy as Allison Reynolds, Molly Ringwald as Claire Standish and Anthony Michael Hall as Brian Johnson in the John Hughes movie The Breakfast Club).

The Breakfast Club begins with five students showing up for detention on Saturday, March 24th, 1984. With the hint of the song Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds cut into our meeting Brian Johnson, Allison Reynolds, Andrew Clark, Claire Standish and John Bender, hints of relationships at home coupled with distinctly different personalities for the students take shape simply by this introduction. Anthony Michael Hall, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald and Judd Nelson portrayed Johnson, Reynolds, Clark, Standish and Bender, respectively.

(Paul Gleason as Vice Principal Richard Vernon in the John Hughes movie The Breakfast Club).

The five represent stereotypes of students fitting into cliques while figuring themselves out. Brian Johnson presents as socially awkward yet intelligent. Allison Reynolds presents as a shy loner that keeps to herself. Andrew Clark has the reputation as a volatile wrestler. Popular snob Claire Standish shows up as spoiled. We see John Bender as a delinquent with a rebellious side. The proposition for the movie is that these stereotypes will try to understand one another in this temporary space while getting to know each other with a deeper understanding than they had when the day started.

(John Kapelos as janitor Carl Reed in the John Hughes movie The Breakfast Club).

Vice Principal Richard Vernon, as portrayed by Paul Gleason, is the authority figure responsible for administering to the students. His interactions helps to provoke some of the action throughout the movie. The fact that Vernon in fact wants to be respected and liked by these kids is a moment of clarity given to Vernon by janitor Carl Reed. John Kapelos portrayed Reed.

(Clockwise from left, actor Judd Nelson, actress Molly Ringwold, actor Emilio Estevez, actress Ally Sheedy, director, producer and screenwriter John Hughes, and actor Anthony Michael Hall in support of the John Hughes movie The Breakfast Club).

This comedic look largely into the feelings and thoughts of five teenagers from different experiences works as comedy while giving the primary adolescent audience insight into the worlds they lived in. This movie lands at the top of any made by John Hughes, whether that be as a writer, director or producer. I rate The Breakfast Club as directed, written and produced by John Hughes 4.25-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Saturday, March 25, 2023