Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles and the movie ‘Kelly’s Heroes’

In sharing some thoughts on movies recently, an intelligent and fundamentally humorous uncle of mine suggested that I take a look at a movie that he enjoyed from back in the day. Given that this conversation occurred over Memorial Day weekend in the United States, where those who have died in the country’s wars are honored, movies about war are sure to appear on television. Given the confluence of Memorial Day with the Uncle California suggestion, let us look at the movie Kelly’s Heroes (1970).

Kelly's Heroes 2 - From left, Clint Eastwood as Kelly, and Telly Savalas as Big Joe(From left, Clint Eastwood as Private Kelly, and Telly Savalas as Master Sergeant Big Joe in Kelly Heroes).

Kelly’s Heroes tells the story of a group of World War Two American soldiers who go AWOL to rob a bank behind enemy lines. The plan is the brainchild of Private Kelly, played by Clint Eastwood, who enlists the crew of Master Sergeant Big Joe, as played by Telly Savalas, to support the operation. Kelly himself is quite capable of leading the operation alone, yet had been unjustly kicked back to private as an act of bureaucratic discretion that made Kelly want to stick it to the man.

Kelly's Heroes 3 - From left, Donald Sutherland as Oddball and Don Rickles as Crapgame(Donald Sutherland as Oddball and Don Rickles as Supply Sergeant Crapgame in Kelly’s Heroes).

Don Rickles played the role of Supply Sergeant Crapgame was recruited by Kelly to get the guns and other supplies that were needed to get behind enemy lines. Add Donald Sutherland as a hippie tank platoon commander Oddball with three M4 Sherman tanks to the shenanigans. The mission itself is clearly established without the benefit of offical military planning, with the men pursuing a fight and riches through theft for their own accord.

Kelly's Heroes 4 - From left, Carroll O'Connor as General Colt and Gavin MacLeod as Moriarty(From left, Carroll O’Connor as General Colt and Gavin MacLeod as Moriarty in Kelly’s Heroes).

Kelly and the heroes who join him take clear risk and suffer real loss on their way, yet the squad level mockery of senior military leadership is demonstrated through General Colt, as played by Carroll O’ Connor. The tribulations of the journey getting through enemy lines and the silliness that ensued are provided in humorous relief with the support of Gavin MacLeod as Moriarty, Gene Collins as Babra, Stuart Margolin as Little Joe, Dick Balduzzi as Fisher, and Perry Lopez as Petuko.

Kelly's Heroes 5 - From left, Gene Collins as Babra, Stuart Margolin as Little Joe, Dick Balduzzi as Fisher, Perry Lopez as Petuko, and Telly Savalas as Big Joe(From left, Gene Collins as Babra, Stuart Margolin as Little Joe, Dick Balduzzi as Fisher, Perry Lopez as Petuko, and Telly Savalas as Big Joe in Kelly’s Heroes).

Overall, Kelly’s Heroes worked for me as a decent mix of satire combined with heist caper and battlefield action. Definite star appeal existed in the casting for the era of this film. While not the best of any individual elements mentioned as included with the film, I offer the movie Kelly’s Heroes 3.75-stars on a scale of one-to-five.

Matt – Saturday, June 6, 2020