James Agee and the book ‘A Death in the Family’

James Agee of Knoxville, Tennessee wrote the book A Death in the Family without quite finishing it before his 1955 death in New York City, New York. The book was edited by David McDowell, who released the book in 1957, after Agee‘s death. A Death in the Family won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1958.

(Additional covers for A Death in the Family, which was first published in 1957).

The story of A Death in the Family is a work of autobiographical fiction, as confirmed here. The core perspective the readers receive is that of Rufus Follet, a six-year-old boy. Further perspectives explored include those of Rufus’ mother, his younger sister, Catherine, and a few others.

(James Agee of Knoxville, Tennessee wrote A Death in the Family).

The heart of the story is at first the introduction of Rufus’ atheist father’s role in the family, followed in succession by rumblings of that father’s death, and finally the familial and societal turmoil that follows among the boy’s religious mother, her alcoholic brother-in-law and members of the extended family as well as society.

(Still other covers for A Death in the Family, whose text was edited for publishing by David McDowell after James Agee‘s death).

Besides the notion of looking into differing religious views, A Death in the Family also looked at “differences between black and white, rich and poor, country life and city life, and, ultimately, life and death”. The author’s approach of linking past and present offered an interesting look into sadness from multiple viewpoints, with the innocence of a child offering an interesting means of sharing the writer’s, James Agee‘s, viewpoints.

(James Agee also was a screenwriter for the movies The Night of the Hunter (1955) and The African Queen (1951)).

The book feels like historical fiction written from a southern perspective of the United States. There is depth that allows the reader to engage with the subject matter while ultimately confronting their own thoughts over the perspectives explored. Given that a discomfort, loss and strong feelings were at the core of this novel, I grant A Death in the Family by James Agee 4-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Saturday, July 2, 2022