The Year 2021 in Movies

Continuing with the final part of our year in review, Matt Lynn Digital invites you to look back at the last year in reviews of books, movies, music and television. We look at these with individual categories, one per day through today. Today we share the sixty-eight (68) movies reviewed across ten (10) decades by Matt Lynn Digital in 2021.

(The 1941 movie Citizen Kane is one of seven movies that Matt Lynn Digital gave 4.5-stars on a scale of 1-to-5).

Citizen Kane (1941) was written by Herman J. Mankiewicz and Orson Welles. The Michael Curtiz directed film Casablanca (1942) also earned 4.5-stars, as did the Alfred Hitchcock directed film Psycho (1960).

(The 1961 movie The Hustler starred Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason).

The Robert Rossen directed film The Hustler (1961) is joined by the Martin Scorsese film Taxi Driver (1976), the James Cameron directed movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and the David Fincher movie Se7en (1995) as also having earned 4.5-stars by Matt Lynn Digital in 2021.

(Several films by Alfred Hitchcock made their way into the Matt Lynn Digital reviews in 2021. North by Northwest and Strangers on a Train were a couple of favorites).

The Shop Around the Corner (1940) as directed by Ernst Lubitsch is one of eleven movies having earned 4.25-stars in 2021. The Alfred Hitchcock movie Strangers on a Train (1951) joins the Hitchcock film North by Northwest (1959) in the same category.

(Martin Scorsese movies are well received by Matt Lynn Digital. The 1995 movie Casino received 4.25-stars).

A Christmas Story (1983) as directed by Bob Clark has consistently hit me in a warm spot. The Richard Donner directed Lethal Weapon (1987) offers comedic action at a solid pace.  The Rob Reiner directed movie Misery (1990) juxtaposes mystery against the sweet storytelling of the Harold Ramis movie Groundhog Day (1993). Casino (1995) by director Martin Scorsese is the second film in our reviews to pair Scorsese with actor Robert De Niro. The Sixth Sense (1999) as directed by M. Night Shyamalan also earned our rating of 4.25-stars.

(The 2003 Ridley Scott movie Matchstick Men dips our toes into the 21st century of cinema).

The Ridley Scott movie Matchstick Men (2003) earned 4.25-stars, as did the David Fincher movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008).

(The clean-cut reputation of the actor James Stewart is put to the test in his portrayal of Paul Biegler is the 1959 Otto Preminger movie Anatomy of a Murder).

Frankenstein (1931) as directed by James Whale received 4-stars as an origin tale into the more frightening side of cinema. The movie Saboteur (1942), the movie Rope (1948) and the movie Dial M for Murder (1954), as directed by Alfred Hitchcock, all earned similar ratings. The Otto Preminger directed movie Anatomy of a Murder (1959) closed out the three decades of cinema rated at this level.

(The 1974 Mel Brooks movie Young Frankenstein comedically poked fun of the 1931 James Whale movie Frankenstein).

The Mel Brooks directed movie Young Frankenstein (1974) worked on a level equal to the film that inspired it. Richard Donner succeeded in the horror movie genre with The Omen (1976) while John Carpenter delivered a similar 4-star rated movie with Halloween (1978). The Hugh Hudson directed film Chariots of Fire (1981) won four Academy Awards while the James Cameron sequel movie Aliens (1986) won a pair of awards.

(Seven Academy Awards and 4-stars from Matt Lynn Digital awaited the Kevin Costner‘s directorial debut movie, Dances with Wolves).

The epic Western Dances with Wolves (1990) as directed by Kevin Costner earned 4-stars, as did the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park (1993), the movie Jumanji (1995) starring Robin Williams and the Tony Scott directed movie Enemy of the State (1998).

(The adventure of The Polar Express centers around the experience of finding joy in the notion of Christmas. Matt Lynn Digital granted the movie 4-stars).

The Stephen Frears movie High Fidelity (2000), the Paul Haggis directed movie Crash (2004), the Robert Zemeckis movie The Polar Express (2004), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) starring Gary Oldman and the Jake Kasdan directed movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) all earned four stars.

(John Ford directed the western named Stagecoach. The movie starring John Wayne was granted 3.75-stars).

Alfred Hitchcock directed two separate movies based on the same source material twice. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) as well as The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) each earned 3.75-stars from Matt Lynn Digital. The John Ford directed movie Stagecoach (1939), starring John Wayne, is accompanied by Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt (1943), John Ford’s The Quiet Man (1952), and both The Trouble with Harry (1955) and The Wrong Man (1956) by Alfred Hitchcock.

(The 1962 Stanley Kubrick movie Lolita is often misunderstood yet tells a morally difficult story for those that can stick with it for understanding).

Stanley Kubrick directed the movie Lolita (1962), which is one of twenty-seven movies granted 3.75-stars by Matt Lynn Digital. Alfred Hitchcock‘s movie Torn Curtain (1966), Brian De Palma‘s movie Sisters (1972), the Don Siegel directed movie Escape from Alcatraz (1979), the John Hughes directed movie Sixteen Candles (1984), Ron Howard‘s movie Cocoon (1985) and the David Cronenberg directed movie The Fly (1986) each received a similar 3.75-stars.

(The 1992 movie Reservoir Dogs as directed by Quentin Tarantino received 3.75-stars from Matt Lynn Digital).

Total Recall (1990) starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone are joined by the Quentin Tarantino movie Reservoir Dogs (1992), the Brian De Palma movie Carlito’s Way (1993), the Jan de Bont directed movie Speed (1994), The Santa Clause (1994) starring Tim Allen and the Kevin Smith directed movies Clerks (1994) and Chasing Amy (1997).

(The 2002 movie Insomnia from director Christopher Nolan offered a character focused with less abstraction focus in earning 3.75-stars).

The Howard Deutch sports comedy movie The Replacements (2000) introduced a string of movies, including the Christopher Nolan movie Insomnia (2002), the Gavin O’Connor movie Miracle (2004), the Tim Burton directed movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), the Clint Eastwood directed movie Richard Jewell (2019) and the Christopher Nolan movie Tenet (2020), that offered quality movie making rated at 3.75-stars.

(The 2003 movie Timeline as directed by Richard Donner is one of three movies to earn 3.5-stars by Matt Lynn Digital).

Sylvester Stallone stars in the movie Cliffhanger (1993), which stands beside the Wolfgang Petersen directed movie Outbreak (1995) and the Richard Donner directed movie Timeline (2003) as receiving 3.5-stars.

(Brian De Palma‘s 1990 movie The Bonfire of the Vanities received 3-stars on a scale of 1-to-5 from Matt Lynn Digital).

The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) as directed by Brian De Palma was not a commercial success, earning a 3-star rating from Matt Lynn Digital. The movie lost over $31 million, despite a reasonably strong cast.

Matt Lynn Digital appreciates your continued interest in the content we offer. Should you have albums that you’d like us to review, or similar work to that mentioned above, please be sure to let us know.

Matt – Friday, December 31, 2021

Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart and Frank Morgan in the Ernst Lubitsch movie ‘The Shop Around the Corner’

Offering uplifting fare with a backdrop of Christmas, we turn the clock back more than 80 years to the Ernst Lubitsch romantic comedy The Shop Around the Corner (1940). The film is based on the Hungarian play Parfumerie (1936) by Miklós László, with the screenplay by Samson Raphaelson and Ben Hecht.

(From left, James Stewart as Alfred Kralik and Margaret Sullavan as Klara Novak in the Ernst Lubitsch movie The Shop Around the Corner).

Klara Novak and Alfred Kralik are introduced to us as a new and a tenured employee of a store owned by Hugo Matuschek named Matuschek and Company. Klara and Alfred have clearly different sensibilities for how best to help Hugo choose merchandise and operate his store, which spills over to their relationship over time at the store. Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart and Frank Morgan star as Klara Novak, Alfred Kralik and Hugo Matuschek, respectively.

(Frank Morgan as Hugo Matuschek in the Ernst Lubitsch movie The Shop Around the Corner).

A series of supporting salespeople, delivery staff and others support the operation. The staff includes Pirovitch, a family man portrayed by Felix Bressart, womanizer Ferencz Vadas, as portrayed by Joseph Schildkraut, saleswoman Ilona Novotny as portrayed by Inez Courtney, clerk Flora Kaczek as portrayed by Sara Haden and the precocious yet ambitious delivery boy Pepi Katona, as portrayed by William Tracy.

(From left, Felix Bressart as Pirovitch and William Tracy as Pepi Katona in the Ernst Lubitsch movie The Shop Around the Corner).

The groundwork for the film begins with the established protocols of the store along with a difference of opinion over the selling of cigarette boxes, which is the occasion of Klara Novak and Alfred Kralik unwittingly coming into conflict. That Alfred and Klara secretly are falling for one another as anonymous love interests through the mail leads to a significant segment of the romantic comedy of the film. That the cigarette boxes cause turmoil between Kralik and Hugo Matuschek calls a secure working arrangement for Kralik into doubt.

(From left, Joseph Schildkraut as Ferencz Vadas and James Stewart as Alfred Kralik in the Ernst Lubitsch movie The Shop Around the Corner).

A serious complication within the operation of the store takes the disagreement between Kralik and Matuschek down a path that rearranges the dramatic turns of the movie into a more uplifting turn for Alfred Kralik. Kralik satisfyingly gets to decide the fate of a distasteful member of the staff while also getting to exert additional influence over the fate of the store as well as his budding romance. Pepi Katona earns the right to shine for a moment in the growing optimism of shifting fortune.

(From left, Margaret Sullavan as Klara Novak and James Stewart as Alfred Kralik in the Ernst Lubitsch movie The Shop Around the Corner).

An uplifting romantic comedy set against the backdrop of Christmas simply must come to resolution on the night before Christmas. The store sees a positive under the guidance of Alfred Kralik. Klara Novak and Alfred Kralik take the moment to see through some firmly difficult interpersonal views to speak the truth to one another. Happiness comes through the other side of a story that sees fit to invite doubts and obstacles to keep what feels right from fruition.

(From left, actress Margaret Sullavan, director Ernst Lubitsch and actor James Stewart on the set of the Ernst Lubitsch movie The Shop Around the Corner).

The movie You’ve Got Mail (1998) borrows from The Shop Around the Corner by using the notion of anonymous correspondence between two people leading to their falling in love being an important plot point. The notion worked in 1940 and largely worked in 1998. The highly satisfying story coupled with highly satisfying performances within The Shop Around the Corner as directed by Ernst Lubitsch leads me to grant the movie 4.25-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Saturday, December 11, 2021