Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones and ‘The Fugitive’

Are you looking for a well told, action filled, star studded movie to watch this weekend? I suggest seeking The Fugitive (1993), a movie that tells the story of Dr. Richard Kimble, a man unjustly accused of murdering his wife. Kimble escapes prison in accidental circumstances, after which he sets out to find the real killer while being the target of a nationwide manhunt led by a seasoned U.S. Marshal.

The Fugitive 2 - Harrison Ford(Harrison Ford as Dr. Richard Kimble in The Fugitive).

Harrison Ford stars as Dr. Richard Kimble, the namesake of the movie who starts the movie being unjustly convicted of murdering his wife. Helen Kimble is played by Sela Ward, who we meet after her death in the form of memories offered to the audience through the memory of her husband. The larger story of the hunt for tracking Dr. Kimble starts after a prisoner transport fails miserably thanks to efforts of other inmates to initiate an escape.

The Fugitive 7 - Harrison Ford, Sela Ward(Harrison Ford, left, and Sela Ward in The Fugitive).

Tommy Lee Jones plays Samuel Gerard, a seasoned United States Marshall tasked with the effort to bring Richard Kimble to justice following Kimble’s escape. Jones won an Academy Award for his portrayal, which served a strong role and counterpoint within the search and larger narrative that were strong within this film.

The Fugitive 4 - Joe Pantoliano, Tommy Lee Jones, Daniel Roebuck(Joe Pantoliano, left,  Tommy Lee Jones, center, and Daniel Roebuck in The Fugitive).

Two deputy United States Marshalls on the task force aiming to catch Richard Kimble were Cosmo Renfro, as played by Joe Pantoliano, and Robert Biggs, as played by Daniel Roebuck. Through multiple near captures over the course of the film, what the story underpinning The Fugitive gives us is the thrill of the hunt combined with the drama and mystery of Dr. Richard Kimble’s efforts to offer the proof that will grant him his exoneration.

The Fugitive 3 - Tommy Lee Jones, Julianne Moore(Tommy Lee Jones, left, and Julianne Moore in The Fugitive).

Julianne Moore as Dr. Anne Eastman figures into part of the effort aimed at almost capturing Dr. Richard Kimble. Kimble finds his way into a hospital with false credentials as a janitor, wherein he commences a search for information that can offer proof around who might have had motive and opportunity to profit from silencing Kimble. During these efforts, Kimble intercedes on the behalf of a patient under the care of Eastman at a hospital.

The Fugitive 5 - Andreas Katsulas(Andreas Katsulas as Fredrick Sykes in The Fugitive).

The initial investigation that Dr. Kimble uncovers as part of his attempted exoneration is the identity of the one-armed man that he, Kimble, has argued is responsible for the death of Helen Kimble. Making this identification leads Richard Kimble to a further drug trial that leads to his friend, schoolmate, and colleague Dr. Charles Nichols. Jeroen Krabbé portrayed Dr. Nichols.

The Fugitive 6 - Jeroen Krabbé(Jeroen Krabbé as Dr. Charles Nichols in The Fugitive).

Suspense and intrigue are full blown, well-orchestrated qualities of The Fugitive. Writing credits for the movie went to Jeb Stuart, David Twohy, and Roy Huggins. The execution of this chase thriller movie is among the best created, in my humble opinion. It is for this reason that I offer the The Fugitive 4.0-stars on a scale of one-to-five stars.

Matt – Saturday, March 02, 2019