Anthony Everitt and the book ‘Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death’

Alexander the Great lived almost 2,400 years ago. Serving as a king of Macedonia, a territory in south-central Balkans that comprises north-central Greece, southwestern Bulgaria, and the independent Republic of North Macedonia, lived from 356 BCE to 323 BCE. Alexander the Great served as king of Macedonia for 13 years, from age 20 until his death at the age of 33.

Alexander the Great 3 - Marble Bust of Alexander the Great(Marble Bust of Alexander the Great).

The book Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death by Anthony Everitt is a review of the life of the military and political leader taught by Greek philosopher, scientist, and intellectual Aristotle. Everitt aims to offer a glimpse of Alexander the Great, as much as can be done through the lens of time without modern tools or direct evidence, as he existed and was judged in real terms during his lifetime.

Alexander the Great 2 - Anthony Everitt(Anthony Everitt wrote the book Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death).

The book itself takes the reader through Alexander the Great‘s military conquests through Greece, Persia, and ultimately to India, kicking off what the world understands as the Hellenistic age that started with Alexander‘s death. The aim of the book, in part, is to remove some of the mythology added to the story of Alexander through different cultural reviews of the man in order to give a truer sense of the man from an evaluation of him, again, through the lens of his own age.

Alexander the Great 4 - Entry of Alexander into Babylon by Charles Le Brun(Entry of Alexander into Babylon by Charles Le Brun).

The story of Alexander the Great within Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death shares with the reader a relatable depiction of the man as he ascends to power through military accomplishment, leadership and, above all, competent and generous handling of men under his command. Alexander took power after his father’s assassination by avenging (through death) those responsible for his father’s murder. Alexander, too, killed those who opposed his assumption of the Macedonian crown. Taking over campaign already sanctioned by his father prior to said father’s death, the path to power was begun.

Alexander the Great 5 - Alexander Consulting the Oracle of Apollo by Louis Jean Francois Lagrenée(Alexander Consulting the Oracle of Apollo by Louis Jean Francois Lagrenée).

Much of the book recounts subsequent regional conquests undertaken by Alexander the Great, demonstrating a military leader who campaigned for territory, influence and, in many ways, magnanimous rule over his own people as well as those who lost sovereign control to the Macedonian campaigns. The reach of the cultural and land conquests undertaken by the forces led by Alexander were enormous. The overthrowing of a Persian empire, a talented field commander, and the glorification of war were all parts of Alexander the Great‘s legacy. In summarizing the life of the commander, Anthony Everitt acknowledges that in modern times that Alexander the Great would be considered a war criminal. Greece, the Middle East, and Egypt were the ruling powers after Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great 6(The book Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death was written by Anthony Everitt).

The book Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death by Anthony Everitt was an entertaining, non-fiction read for me. I grant the book 3.75-stars on a scale of one-to-five.

Matt – Wednesday, February 5, 2020