Taylor Scott and the book ‘Lead with Hospitality: Be Human. Emotionally Connect. Serve Selflessly.’

Leaning into the subject matter of service, my reading interest brought me to Lead with Hospitality: Be Human. Emotionally Connect. Serve Selflessly. by Taylor Scott. While my awareness of this book was raised by a highly skilled trainer in the hotel industry, the principals and lessons speak to relationships and trust building with applications outside that specific industry.

(Taylor Scott wrote Lead with Hospitality: Be Human. Emotionally Connect. Serve Selflessly.)

The four principles Scott presents focus on the sequential application of the concepts of connect, serve, engage and inspire. Delivered conversationally, Scott effects a tone both of affirmative actions for building engagement and corresponding examples of avoidable actions that deter the same. The book engages with storytelling, using the growth experiences of team members and leaders alike; the effect resonates positively with me.

(Taylor Scott is the author and speaker behind Lead with Hospitality: Be Human. Emotionally Connect. Serve Selflessly.).

At the book’s conclusion, I found the calling out of specific actions connected to each of the four principles persuasive. I cannot wait to get started in applying what parts of this process that I can into the culture of my current workplace. For these reasons, I give Lead with Hospitality: Be Human. Emotionally Connect. Serve Selflessly. by Taylor Scott 4-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Author: Mattlynnblog

Matt and Lynn are a couple living in the Midwest of the United States.

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