Rick Rubin and the book ‘The Creative Act: A Way of Being’

Music producer Rick Rubin, of Long Island, New York has had an immense impact on the music industry. His guidance for musicians hasn’t been to specific sound so much, as noted on this Encyclopædia Britannica entry, inasmuch as he has influenced already good artists to make better. The recognition of this leads us to the book written by Rubin named The Creative Act: A Way of Being.

(Rick Rubin wrote The Creative Act: A Way of Being, which was published on January 17, 2023).

As mentioned here by the book’s publisher, Penguin Random House, with this book Rubin “set out to write a book about what to do to make a great work of art. Instead, it revealed itself to be a book on how to be. In having read the book, my experience is that the producer and now author put seventy-eight (78) separate insights into approaching the artistry of work. Rubin offers approaches for considering what creativity is, how to engage it, and thoughts to consider choosing one method or another in getting to results.

(Shown here is Rick Rubin, a grammy winning producer, wrote The Creative Act: A Way of Being).

In introducing the book and suggesting possible ways to use the contents, Rubin wrote that “Nothing in this book is known to be true.” He added that he was sharing his thoughts, which aren’t facts; with this point fresh, he suggests using what is helpful while letting go of the rest. The wonderful construction of this book, along with the bountiful insights it includes, is that I found it accessible as a means for offering useful tips that might change over time as I would change. The power here helps me suggest the book. I give The Creative Act: A Way of Being as written by Rick Rubin 4.75-stars on a scale of 1-to-5 for its quality.

Matt – Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Author: Mattlynnblog

Matt and Lynn are a couple living in the Midwest of the United States.

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