Greg McKeown and the book ‘Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most’

I stumbled upon a book aiming to offer a different perspective on approaches to productivity recently. Written by Greg McKeown of London, England, the book Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most focuses on attempts to set boundaries around effort. The larger point reflects maintaining your alertness while not burning yourself out as a means for protecting the best parts of your productive self.

(Pictured here is Effortless: Make it Easier to Do What Matters Most author Greg NcKeown of London, England).

Effortless: Make it Easier to Do What Matters Most offers its core message in three parts, with the core message of each part spelled out in detailed fashion. At the conclusion of each of the three main sections is a summary for the messages offered. That is, you get a summary of what has come in part one upon concluding that section. At the end of part two, you get a summary of parts one and two. Similarly, the end of part three summarizes the main points from each of the three main sections of the book.

(Greg NcKeown‘s book Effortless: Make it Easier to Do What Matters Most was first published April 27th, 2021).

The book is sectioned out as follows: 1) What is the effortless state? 2) What is effortless action? 3) What are effortless results? McKeown devoted five chapters examining each subject in detail, offering ways s to stop devoting overwork to the burdens of life. While certainly much of this advice is meant to help folks cope with professional endeavors, the practical application translates to personal life as well.

(Greg McKeown, the writer of Effortless: Make it Easier to Do What Matters Most, reportedly “has spoken to hundreds of audiences around the world”).

In concluding the book, the author discusses a personal case that brought forth the need to protect personal energy and focus on what you can do while not burdening yourself with worry over things that cannot be controlled. The larger message here lives in this space. Without having applied the advice deeply as presented, I can attest that the starting point does feel like a worthwhile reminder. I grant Effortless: Make it Easier to Do What Matters Most as written by Greg McKeown 3.75-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Monday, June 20, 2022

Author: Mattlynnblog

Matt and Lynn are a couple living in the Midwest of the United States.

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