Erik Larson and the book ‘No One Goes Alone’

Erik Larson struck upon many firsts with the September 28, 2021 release of the audiobook work of fiction titled No One Goes Alone. The novel is a book length novel written as a ghost story specifically in the narrated format; our meaning is that No One Goes Alone is read aloud by Julian Rhind-Tutt with the experience of ghost stories told around a campfire or slumber party from one’s younger days.

(Erik Larson wrote No One Goes Alone. This is Larson‘s first foray into fiction, an audio-only book and a ghost story).

Historical fiction reflects the focus for No One Goes Alone, written as an outgrowth of the research Larson performed for the 2006 book Thunderstruck. The premise underpinning No One Goes Alone has psychologist William James leading an expedition to a remote island where a family had inexplicably disappeared. Was there a physical explanation that could be discerned? Was there a supernatural explanation afoot? Is there something psychic that can be uncovered using a scientific and deductive reasoning approach? The story begins here.

(Julian Rhind-Tutt narrated Erik Larson‘s audio-only book No One Goes Alone).

The setting for the novel is the fictional Isle of Dorn in the northern Atlantic Ocean in the year 1905. William James leads the company as a prominent member of the so-called Society for Psychical Research, a real organization founded in 1882 to research the fine distinctions between demonstrable, provable phenomena and fake phenomena that had not yet been finely separated in the popular thinking of the time. The group assembles on the island to explore the sole cottage of the island as well as the surrounding landscape in search of a logical explanation for the disappearance of a family.

(Erik Larson wrote No One Goes Alone. This ghost story was released on September 28th, 2021).

The success to be found in the book rests in the sense of atmosphere used in the form of the telling. While the story will not rise to the level of practiced hand of Stephen King or others that I could mention, attempting to hold No One Goes Alone to such a standard that includes the best that King has to offer seems unfair. With a setting from 115-years ago, with people and life-experiences from that time, I feel there is a decent construction of time, place, and a parlor of isolated folks to render something unique, fresh and worthwhile.

(No One Goes Alone is Erik Larson‘s first work of fiction, based in history or otherwise. The audio format of the presentation is distinctive).

The mystical quality and exploration of feeling raised by No One Goes Alone offers intriguing tension. The sense of proper decorum along with a bashful yet grown narrator as character proved challenging in terms of liking the character as much as I would have wanted. The mystery in opposition to the proposed exploration began with promise that didn’t quite satisfy me as much as I had hoped at the beginning. My ultimate thought is No One Goes Alone as written by Erik Larson leaves me wanting for more, thus earning a rating of 3.25-stars on a scale of 1-to-5 for its quality.

Matt – Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Author: Mattlynnblog

Matt and Lynn are a couple living in the Midwest of the United States.

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