Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum in the Steven Spielberg film ‘Jurassic Park’

The blockbuster movie hit Jurassic Park (1993) brought together the book Jurassic Park written by Michael Crichton with director Steven Spielberg and stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum. To borrow from the line of Samuel L. Jackson as Ray Arnold, “hold onto your butts” as we dig into movie review starting now.

(From left, Martin Ferrero as Donald Gennaro, Richard Attenborough as John Hammond, Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm, Sam Neill as Dr. Alan Grant and Laura Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler in the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park).

The notion underpinning the story is that starts in earnest as lawyer Donald Gennaro invites mathematician and chaos-theorist Dr. Ian Malcolm to an island of the creation of industrialist John Hammond. Hammond had meanwhile invited paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant and paleobotanist Dr. Ellie Sattler. The voyage is to an island where Hammond had brought in clone theorists and practitioners to clone dinosaurs for a theme park.

(From left, Richard Attenborough as John Hammond, Samuel L. Jackson as Ray Arnold and Bob Peck as Robert Muldoon in the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park).

The group travels to the island as the stage is set for the adventure of the movie with Dennis Nedry, the disgruntled lead programmer for the park, arranging to steal some of the DNA manufactured at the park off the island. This is unknown to everyone that matters at the time of the park demonstration by Hammond and his helpers. Ray Arnold as chief engineer of the system that runs the park with game warden Robert Muldoon tasked with managing the dinosaurs and their consumption of food, their exercise, and so forth.

(Wayne Knight as Dennis Nedry in the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park).

As if the above was not sufficiently grand a narrative, the movement from fascinating yet mundane into the increasingly frightening and uncontrollable is heightened with the introduction of , Lex and Tim Murphy, grandchildren to industrialist John Hammond. The kids will tour the park with Hammond in the control room, watching the tour unfold as events happen around the park and within the control room around him.

(From left, Ariana Richards as Lex Murphy and Joseph Mazzello as Tim Murphy in the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park).

The kids offer youthful curiosity, in addition to relationship depth to the romantic feelings that exist between Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler. Many layers of interesting intrigue ensue, making the movie enjoy to repeated viewings and, of course, the initial viewing for those yet to see the initial installment in the sequence of Jurassic Park movies.

(Director Steven Spielberg on set for the filming of the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park).

Jurassic Park grossed over $400 million in the United States. The film was largely well received by reviewers and general audiences alike. The movie itself is fit for family viewing with sufficient action and emotional pull to satisfy young and mature audiences. My grade for Jurassic Park as directed by Steven Spielberg is 4-stars on a scale of 1-to-5.

Matt – Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Author: Mattlynnblog

Matt and Lynn are a couple living in the Midwest of the United States.

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