Mitch Rapp and the book ‘Act of Treason’ by Vince Flynn

The character Mitch Rapp has enjoyed a long and adventurous lifespan thanks to the series of books begun by Vince Flynn. The ninth book in the Mitch Rapp series when taken in order is Act of Treason, which was the seventh book in the series when published as written by Flynn in October of 2006. The sequence of the Mitch Rapp books can be found here.

(Vince Flynn wrote Act of Treason, the seventh published and ninth book sequentially in the Mitch Rapp series by Flynn and Kyle Mills.)

Act of Treason follows Consent to Kill in the sequence books, beginning in this book with Mitch Rapp sucking up his feelings and moving along from dealings in Saudi Arabia and a kind of peace settled in Tahiti. Act of Treason focuses on foreign mercenaries, two Americans seemingly bent on capturing the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States, and the actions of a select few in perpetrating what looks and feels like treason through the theft of an election.

(Vince Flynn wrote Act of Treason, the seventh published and ninth book sequentially in the Mitch Rapp series by Flynn and Kyle Mills.)

It is the daring and decisive action of Mitch Rapp with the tacit trust of Irene Kennedy and the incumbent president, who has chosen to step aside after a single term due to illness, tasked with saving the day and ultimately their jobs in the face of the power grab, the expatriates wishing to return to the United States, and acts of treachery and obfuscation that make this book an entertaining if familiarly plotted read.

(Vince Flynn and his wife Lysa. Flynn wrote Act of Treason, the seventh published and ninth book sequentially in the Mitch Rapp series by Flynn and Kyle Mills.)

The story of Act of Treason, in wrapping up the larger story of the novel in fewer pages than Consent To Kill, yet leaves a few bread crumbs of loose ends for the book that follows, namely Protect and Defend. The storyline for that next book takes the Rapp story in another direction again, yet rest assured that things are addressed eventually.

(Vince Flynn wrote Act of Treason, the seventh published and ninth book sequentially in the Mitch Rapp series by Flynn and Kyle Mills.)

Ultimately, Act of Treason works for being exactly the relaxing type of read that it unapologetically is designed to be. I rate Act of Treason by Vince Flynn at 3.75-stars on a scale of one-to-five.

Matt – Saturday, September 05, 2020

Author: Mattlynnblog

Matt and Lynn are a couple living in the Midwest of the United States.

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